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Main Business

Specializing in indoor air quality testing, air and exhaust gas testing, soil testing, noise testing, water and wastewater testing

  • Environmental Testing
  • Indoor Air Quality Testing
  • Environmental Protection Acceptance
  • Environmental steward
  • Emission permit
  • Public Health Testing
  • Occupational Health Testing
  • Cleanroom Testing
  • Environmental Testing

    The main service scope includes soil, water quality, exhaust gas, ambient air, solid waste and hazardous waste, identification of hazardous properties···

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  • Indoor Air Quality Testing

    Indoor air quality testing is an emerging industry. It is for indoor decoration, indoor air pollutants caused by furniture additions, analysis, labora···

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  • Environmental Protection Acceptance

    The EIA report is very important to the enterprise, after the EIA is evaluated and approved by the Environmental Protection Bureau, it will be used in···

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  • Environmental steward

    Mainly refers to the environmental protection service enterprises for the government, for the enterprise, for the park to provide contractual integrat···

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  • Emission permit

    means that after the sewage disposal unit submits an application to the competent administrative department for environmental protection...

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  • Public Health Testing

    Public places air, microclimate (humidity, temperature, wind speed), lighting, lighting, noise, customer supplies and appliances, swimming pools (pavi···

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  • Occupational Health Testing

    The provision of workplaces that comply with national occupational health standards and hygiene requirements has become a common understanding...

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  • Cleanroom Testing

    Public places air, microclimate (humidity, temperature, wind speed), lighting, lighting, noise, customer supplies and appliances, swimming pools (pavi···

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Building 26, Gaoxin Road, Dongcheng Street, Yongkang City, Zhejiang Province

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